Thursday, August 6, 2009

Grandpa Day's Visit and Stella's One month Check-up

Ok so, she's a little over a month (5 weeks and 3 days to be exact), but Stella had her "one month" check-up today. Everything went great and we found out that we have a bit of a chunker on our hands :) She weighed in at 10 lbs. 15 oz. (90th percentile) and 21.5 in. (50th percentile). We knew she was growing, her double chin gave it away, but I was shocked at how much she's grown in a matter of a few weeks. It's amazing! Here's a picture of her at the doctor's office today, so you can get a good look at her chubby little cheeks :)

This past weekend, Grandpa Vic and his wife Julie came to Philly to visit and of course, to meet Stella. We had an amazing time, just hanging around the house with them, catching up and walking around the neighborhood visiting all of the sites. We love being tour guides and are getting better and better each time.

Hanging out at home...

The Liberty Bell of course

Elfreth's Alley (America's oldest residential neighborhood)

At Fireman's Hall Museum (Ben Franklin invented the firehouse and this is the original.)

At Washington Square Park - where thousands of American soldiers are buried who died during the Revolution.

We also finally were able to give Vic his Father's Day gift, a trip to Amish country and a ride on the Strasbourg Railroad. It was so beautiful, so green and so well kept. And the train was like a time machine back to the 1800's and I'm so happy we all got to experience it together.

Lancaster, PA

Stella also got to go out on a few girls lunches with me (of course we had to eat outside, since she's not quite 6 weeks yet.) She met some more of our friends and she is so great when we go out together. She just hangs out with us, just like one of the girls.

Emily Drown (Sarah's sister)

Steph and Cindy (Friends from my office... Steph is Stella's first babysitter too!)

Heather (My client on Philadelphia Tourism)


  1. She's a doll! I can't wait to meet her in a couple of weeks. Kenze--you look great!

  2. Emily loved meeting you & Stella & felt like she has known you that! Looks like Stella is having fun already. :)
