Saturday, January 2, 2010

Stella is 6 months old!

We can't believe it's been one half of a year already! Stella is so much fun, we love watching her grow and change from day to day.

This month she's been saying "dadadada" a lot - Mike swears she means to say dada just for him. She also sprouted 2 teeth - They are on the bottom and literally sprouted overnight. I noticed them on the morning of the 5th as we were on our way to pick out our Christmas tree.

She has expanded her solid foods to now include oatmeal, peas, sweet potatoes and mum mums. She seems to like them all enough, nothing really gets her too excited still. She sits on her own and rolls over to try and grab toys. She loves her new toys that she got for Christmas. They light up and make sounds and

Her hair has grown in and gotten a lot longer, she was looking pretty bald there for a few weeks.

She's much more active now and alert. She splashes around in the tub (she's too big for her little mesh seat she used to sit in and now just sits in the tub with all of her rubber tub animals - she likes the duckie and the seal the most.

She loves to smile at strangers. She flirts with everyone, it's so cute!

She loves it and laughs out loud when Mike throws her in the air (Don't worry, she doesn't get chucked... he hardly lets her leave his hands.)

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  1. Stella is growing so fast. Fun to see your Christmas pics too :) Love you guys!

  2. Love the Christmas photos & Stella's new photos by Sierra, so beautiful! So fun to see you guys at Christmas...the time just goes a bit too fast. Miss you guys already! =)

  3. She's too cute for her own words--- AND i loved seeing you guys over Christmas. So fun that we bumped into each other! Love ya.
