Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving, The Baltz's come to Philly

One of the things that we'll miss most about being in Philly is the fact that my brother, CJ lives in DC (about 2.5 hours away) and we've been able to spend a lot of time with them over the past few years.  So, the Baltz's decided to come and visit Philly one final time and I LOVE cooking and hosting Thanksgiving dinner - so we were thrilled and so excited for them to come.

They arrived on Wednesday evening (which also happened to be my 30th birthday!), so we had a mini birthday celebration, gave the girls a bath, put them to bed and spent the evening catching up and enjoying family.  On Thursday morning, the girls woke up early with me and watched cartoons while I began preparing not only breakfast, but the feast of the evening. 
Once the turkey was in the oven, we felt the kids needed to get out and spend some energy so we headed to the ice rink and did some Turkey Day skating.  It was Hannah's first time and she was great.  She was comfortable on her feet and enjoyed it so much she wants to take lessons now - Sorry CJ! It was Stella's first time too and it was so much fun to have her on the ice.  She wasn't too sure about gliding or standing on the ice, but she loved when mommy skated while holding her in her arms.  Whenever I'd pick up speed or spin, she would yell "mo, mo!"(which means "more, more!")
The dinner turned out delicious and it was such a great holiday.  I loved having CJ and his family with us, we're going to miss them like crazy.


  1. Super cute!!! I didn't know they made ice skates that little. Glad to hear your Thanksgiving was great.

  2. Thanksgiving + your turkey looked delicious! We missed not being with you guys this year. Looks like so much fun ice skating, cute! (CJ...nice jacket!) :) Lots of love!
