Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nicole's surprise visit!

On Friday morning, my dear friend Nicole texted me and told me that she was going to wing it and hop on a flight to visit us in Philly that night and she really did! We were so excited, we had a blast with her.

On Saturday we went down to DC and hung out in Georgetown and then on Sunday and Monday we hung out around Philly. We went out to restaurants, did some shopping and of course experienced some history.

After a day of shopping on Sunday, we decided to go take some photos. The light was getting dark and we came across an awesome orange Vespa - it was called the Stella. So, we had to take some photos, it was also in a really great alley, so Nicole had us do an impromptu family photo shoot there. She'll be doing retouching and posting some on her website, but I love them just as they are without any editing, they turned out great - thanks Nici!

DC - Nicole really knows how to capture a moment.

Old City - Philadelphia.

Sunday Brunch - Jones in Philly

Impromptu Shoot.


  1. Such cute photos! Great job Nicole:) My favorite one is little Stella looking over Mack's shoulder...so precious!

  2. Hi - you don't know me. My name is Laura Lentz and I am from Utah and moved out to PA 2 yrs ago - small world! I up near Allentown and just had a baby 4 1/2 months ago myself. Just thought I would say hello to a fellow Ute. Your family is adorable, especially your little baby girl! How I love the way you dress her up and take her strolling around the city! Enjoy the beautiful fall out here.

  3. Hey Girlie!
    The pics are up on my website! Check them out at www.nicoleswenson.com
    I pretty much picked the same ones :) We both have great taste! LOL-
    I love how the pics turned out-
    Love you-
