Monday, August 16, 2010

Summertime in Philly

Ugh. It's been hot and muggy this summer.  But, we've traveled a lot and had some great weekends home as well.

CJ and Kari came to visit for Stella's 1st Birthday party, which turned out to be quite an experience.  We only invited a few kids since she already had her official party in PC.  So, we kept it low key and had it at the park behind our house.  An hour and a half before, we went to grab a few key elements (ice, balloons, favors...etc), came home to drop Morris off, shower and feed Stella lunch.  When we were walking toward the house, we realized we left the keys in the car... and it was locked.  So, we had to bolt to the store on foot with a dog, a starving toddler, a really mad mom and an incredibly calm husband trying to make it all better in about a bazillion degree heat.  In the end, it all worked out but you'll notice we don't have any photos (my phone and the camera were locked in the car too).  Haha - an experience we'll never forget!

But, the morning hike prior to the birthday fiasco was a blast.

Stella and her cousins

Speaking of the park behind our house, every week they have a fun outdoor concert.  We decided to stop by one random night and let Stella rock out... dance video coming soon!

And a few others...


  1. I can't get over how beautiful she is!!!!!

  2. Hi!
    Hope your cute family is doing well. We miss you guys here in SLC. I got your message a while back and meant to call, things have been hectic here with Alex leaving and my NEW JOB!!! Wahoo for that. I got the invite for Audrey's shower and will be there for sure. Let me know if you guys are in town all weekend for Labor Day. We were thinking of staying in Cali that weekend but will most likely stay for the shower and also especially if you guys will be here. Let me know! Give Stella a big hug for me :)
