Thursday, June 18, 2009

39 Weeks (Less than one week to go!)

Well, what better way to show you how far we've come along than to show you a comparison of the 12 week prego me and the now 'ready to pop!' me...

Then (12 Weeks)

And Now (39 Weeks - YIKES!)

Isn't that awesome? I love it, it's like a completely different person. Lots of you guys have been asking how I'm doing and how I've been feeling, so I figured I'd write a little about that. I have to say, this whole pregnancy has been quite easy and really fun. I never knew that I would enjoy it so much, and I think I'm getting a little sad to have it coming to an end. That being said, over the last week and half I have definitely started to feel "pregnant." My fingers finally got a little swollen and on Sunday, I had to take off my engagement ring because it was getting a little tight. So now I'm just rockin' the wedding band. My hips are starting to hurt and I'm not fitting into my prego clothes as well. Trying to get ready every morning this week for week has really been a struggle, nothing fits, I'm tired, it's getting hot...etc. I was excited for our last doctor's appointment which was scheduled for Monday, but after meeting with the doctor he told me that it wouldn't be my last appointment because nothing was happening, so I needed to book an appointment for next week. So, I'm all scheduled for Monday, the 22nd - 2 days before my due date, fingers crossed this time we have some sort of action :)

Today (Friday) was my last day at the office. And it felt so surreal to leave. My company has been awesome with my pregnancy/maternity situation (they threw me a baby shower a few months back) and today as I was walking out of my office, I decided to stop by everyone's desk to say goodbye, but no one was at their desk. It was really strange. But as I walked towards our kitchen, I noticed a big huge group of my coworkers and everyone started cheering. There were cupcakes for everyone and celebration for me to go and have a baby. It was really great, I'm going to miss working there but I am so excited for what's just around the corner!

My mom is coming on Sunday and my dad comes on Monday. I can't wait for them to get here and for us to hang out and get prepared for the lil' one. Who knows, this could be the last picture of the pregnancy, but let's be honest... I'm sure you'll see another week of belly pics :)

Your pregnancy: 39 weeks

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

See what your baby looks like this week.


  1. Oh my gosh, I can't even START to tell you how excited I am for you!!! I can just feel the anticipation... I swear, there's nothing better in the world than this! I think you need to do daily updates on your blog now!!! What a cute story about your work :)

  2. Ry & I can't wait to meet her! Loved the photos you posted...what a transformation. You look beautiful! We love you!

  3. Congratulations Mackenzie and Mike! I'm an uncle now! Can't wait to meet her!
