Wednesday, June 24, 2009

40 Weeks... ummm... yah.

Your pregnancy: 40 weeks

How your baby's growing:

It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.

See what your baby looks like this week.
Ok, so... her due date has come and gone. Let's hope she gets here before too long... otherwise, I might just pop. Seriously, it's out of control and my favorite thing now is when people say, "oh wow, when are you do?" And I say "Today." They freak out, it's hillarious. Just wait until I start saying "oh yesterday" or "a few days ago"... the reactions will be priceless. Oh and P.S. If one person acts me if I'm giving birth to multiples, I might just hit them. We'll see... I'll let you know when the next person does it. :)

My mom and I have been having so much fun over the past few days and have been super busy running last minute errands and doing all of those things you never get the chance to do. We even found an amazing antique early 19th century Boston Rocker rocking chair (after scouring through dozens of antique, consignment and Thrift shops. My dad gets in tomorrow afternoon and we can't wait, we're so excited. We'll have lots of fun this weekend and he'll help to keep our minds off of the anticipation (as much as possible!)

Also, now that we have everything finished and ready, here are a few pics of the baby zone. The first of course are from our bedroom, which we will be sharing with the little one. It looks adorable, we can't wait to have her join us!

Also, we have 2 strollers, a bjiorn, hotslings...etc that we weren't sure how to fit in our place, so Mike and I got crafty and created a contraption. A shelf, 2 giant bike hooks, a "cushion/pad" thingy to help keep the wall from getting beat up (which we made ourselves) and a little bench. It's amazing how much stuff we're able to make fit in this small place - I love it!

Anyways, we'll be in touch once any real news comes along. And sorry to all of you who have called and I've been slow in returning your call - I haven't been able to spend time with my mom like this for so long and it's been so nice. I promise to call you very soon though, I miss you all... we'll be in touch!


  1. HAA! I loved doing that too! ("I was due yesterday" to strangers who ask) It's ALMOST worth being overdue just to be able to say that to people. Isn't it crazy how much you grow the last week? I noticed you posted this last night... I'm going to be waiting for an update! Please text or email or something when it all goes down, I CAN'T WAIT!!! How fun to have your Mom there, and I hope the babe comes when your Dad is there! Love the house... sorry this is a novel. Yeaaaaaaa!

  2. Hi, me again. Just really excited. Not a stalker.

  3. We are thinking of you Mack! I love how creative Mike is with your space. Soak up this time with your parents! xo :)
